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Whether you just have an idea that you know will make a difference in your community or you are a registered charity or not-for-profit, our customized support will take you to the next level.


We offer the right support, in the right manner, at the right time. We work with you at your own pace and level to ensure you are part of the change process. Are you ready to execute and see the impact in your community?

NOT FOR PROFIT text written on notebook
Get your not-for profit to thrive and make a difference

What We Do


Coaching Services

You need the right support to make the right decisions. Let us help you drive your executive decision making to achieve growth, influence and impact.

Our aim is to provide you with a seasoned Executive coach that will guide you in taking your not-for-profit to the next level.

Female black executive leader talking to happy diverse employees group at corporate office

Grants Support 

Did you know that over $500 billion is provided to charitable causes every year in North America in the form of grants? You can become part of those receiving some of it.


Our aim is to ensure that you get some of that pie in order to fund your projects. Get started today!

Business Meeting

Strategic Plan Development

You need to have a sound plan to prioritize and focus on what will make the biggest impact.

Our aim is to help you build astrategic plan reflects the needs of your stakeholders & accurately identifies the priority areas to focus on.

Our consulting services, coaching support and training sessions have been carefully developed with four main features that will that aim to help you to achieve your highest goals.

Adopts an inclusive perspective.

Our support applies concepts and principles that are adopted from various frameworks  across the globe.

Follows simple straight forward steps.

Our support enables you to follow clear simple but effective straight forward steps that get you to your goals in the most efficient manner.

Applies a systematic methodology.

Our support empowers you to apply a clear logical series of activities aimed at supporting to achieve your highest improvement goals. 

Uses a data-driven approach.

Our support shows you how to collect and use stakeholder experience to drive the development of your organization goals.

We are constantly collecting feedback from our customers and improving on the content and delivery of our support to ensure that you get the best outcomes out of it.

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